accnt | VARCHAR(16) | PRI | '' | |
clientFillID | BIGINT | PRI | 0 | client execution ID these must be unique on a peraccount basis copied into SpdrParentExecutionaltFillId |
clientFirm | VARCHAR(16) | PRI | '' | |
clientOrderID | VARCHAR(24) | | '' | client orderID copied into SpdrParentExecutionaltOrderId |
riskGroupId | CHAR(19) | | '0000-0000-0000-0000' | Default 0 none Required to be nonzero if incorporating risk into an existing riskGroupId |
fkey_at | enum - AssetType | | 'None' | |
fkey_ts | enum - TickerSrc | | 'None' | |
fkey_tk | VARCHAR(12) | | '' | |
fkey_yr | SMALLINT UNSIGNED | | 0 | |
fkey_mn | TINYINT UNSIGNED | | 0 | |
fkey_dy | TINYINT UNSIGNED | | 0 | |
fillSide | enum - BuySell | | 'None' | |
fillPrice | DOUBLE | | 0 | |
fillQuantity | INT | | 0 | |
fillRefUPrc | DOUBLE | | 0 | reference underlier price fill arrival time |
deliverExecReport | enum - YesNo | | 'No' | Drop a copy of the execution report |
SRfillID | BIGINT | | 0 | SR internal fill number any values submitted will be overwritten by the SR generated fill number |
comment | VARCHAR(64) | | '' | text comment if any |
execBrkr | VARCHAR(12) | | '' | client external exec broker code |
userData1 | TINYTEXT | | '' | client supplied data field passes through to parent and child executions and reports as well as FIX drops |
userData2 | TINYTEXT | | '' | client supplied data field passes through to parent and child executions and reports as well as FIX drops |
strategy | VARCHAR(36) | | '' | clientsupplied strategy string |
fillDttm | DATETIME(6) | | '1990-01-01' | |
timestamp | DATETIME(6) | | '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000000' | |
checksum | TINYINT UNSIGNED | | 0 | Must be set to 13 This helps detect some columnvalue misalignments |